Climate Protection

How do your suppliers pledge to reduce CO2 emissions?

The CPI2 initiative is one step in the right direction.

CPI2 (Carbon Performance Improvement) is a multi-company initiative geared at cutting suppliers’ emissions and promoting climate protection. CPI2 offers suppliers the chance to reduce their energy consumption, not only saving them money but also shrinking their carbon footprint. The initiative centres around an online tool that factories can use to evaluate and reduce their own energy consumption.

What climate protection measures do you have in Hamburg?

We reject, reduce and recycle.

Even in our offices in Northern Germany, environmental and climate protection is second nature. We endorse a principle of three R’s: reject, reduce or recycle. We try to reject or reduce any unnecessary forms of energy consumption, and recycle whenever we can.

Even our canteens embrace our green outlook with a weekly “climat-arian” option – a dish produced with very low carbon emissions. Regionally sourced products and no red meat mean short transport times for the dish’s ingredients. And that saves energy.

Only when we all start rejecting, reducing and recycling can we protect our planet and reduce the impact we have on its climate.

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Count me in!

Only order clothes in one size. The more you return, the more transportation is required, which hits the environment hard.