Supply Chain

Has every T-shirt travelled miles before I buy it?

Yes, that’s usually the case.

We source our clothes, furniture and home interiors from over 400 suppliers in over 30 countries. By the time you buy one of our T-shirts, it will often have travelled half way round the world.

Methods of transportation, © iStock, photographer: narvikk

Tell me about the route it takes.

Every journey starts at our HQ in Hamburg where our designers and purchasers determine what the T-shirt should look like. While they’re fine-tuning their design, the cotton is already growing in another country. After being harvested, the cotton is shipped to manufacturing country, like India for example. Once there, the raw cotton is spun to threads, the threads are woven to create the material, and finally the material is made into a T-shirt.

But it doesn’t end there. During the last part of its journey, it is shipped back to Northern Germany on a container ship and then driven to one of our warehouses. From there, it’s a very short trip onto our website or into one of our shops where it can be purchased.

However, we like to think that a T-shirt has only really made it “home” when you wear it for the first time! 

Read more

The typical journeyof a T-shirt


Designing the T-shirt

Cultivation of cotton

Spinning of the cotton

Processing of the material into a T-shirt

Shipment of the T-shirt